Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on jaw and tooth alignment repairs.
Teeth can develop crooked or jaws misaligned due to a variety of circumstances, including childhood thumb-sucking, mouth breathing or a traumatic accident, and certain disorders are inherited.

Types of Orthodontic

  For teens and adults who have all of their adult teeth, braces or Invisalign are frequently used.

However, many orthodontic issues, such as narrow arches, crossbites, and crooked teeth, can easily be addressed while a kid is still growing. Interceptive orthodontics is the term for this type of treatment.

Airway abnormalities, such as snoring or mouth breathing, are frequently related with early troubles.

  • Brackets made of metal or ceramic that are glued or adhered to the teeth.
  • Lingual braces are brackets that attach to the tongue-side of the teeth.
  • Invisalign – Clear, thin plastic braces that are virtually undetectable when worn.

Today’s braces are constructed of natural-colored materials that are exceedingly lightweight. Metal and ceramic brackets are bonded to the teeth and can be removed simply.Because orthodontic appliances must be adjusted every 6 to 12 weeks to guarantee that they continue to move teeth into their proper positions, strain on the teeth and jaws can result. This can cause some discomfort, but it normally goes away after each adjustment.

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